An Introduction to West Sabine ISD's Teacher Incentive Allotment Program
House Bill 3 (HB 3), passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019, established a Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses. Texas Education Code (TEC) §48.112 authorizes West Sabine ISD to participate in TIA. This allotment offers resources to the district to increase teacher compensation and prioritize funding for high needs and rural district campuses. West Sabine ISD disburses 90% of each allotment received through its participation in TIA to the teacher of designation. The remaining 10% of funds received as part of TIA are maintained and used to provide greater opportunities for WSISD Teachers to in obtaining designation and improving classroom learning, while prioritizing high needs campuses in the district.
Overview. The Texas Education Agency’s Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program implementation will continue during the 2023-2024 school year. This program provides a pathway to financially recognize top teachers and serves as a great opportunity to honor the hard work of our West Sabine ISD teaching staff. For those who earn a distinction based on teacher observation and student growth data, will receive an additional state stipend separate from the current West Sabine ISD pay structure. However, this stipend is credited in the Teacher Retirement System and will be used in retirement benefit calculations. West Sabine ISD will receive an annual allotment for each eligible designated teacher employed. Allotments are based on the teacher’s designation level and campus of employment, with greater funding for high-needs and rural campuses. West Sabine ISD will go through a two-step application and approval process. TEA evaluates local designation systems at both stages to ensure statutory compliance, validity, and reliability. In partnership with Texas Tech University (TTU), TEA annually monitors the quality and fairness of local designation systems.