Eduhero is the platform for that we use to take care of our Annual Required Trainings. Please see the following below to create your account.
Current Users:
Please go to the following Eduhero,
Log In, Click the GREEN Learning Tab,
Click the Plans Tab,
Take the Courses Outlined in your current plan.
New Users:
Please go to the following site to register for an Eduhero Account: https://eduhero.net/register.php
1. Be sure to use your school email First.Last@westsabineisd.net
2. If you have been a part of Eduhero before, log in with your old information and simply update your email address to be added to WSISD.
3. Once you are in, you will need to:
a. Scroll down to a section called My Plans on the home page.
b. Check with a current member of staff (mentor or colleague) to get the gist of how this works.
c. Take the courses in our WSISD plan
d. Feel free to take anything you’d like as you may browse the site.
4. You do NOT have to print certificates as you finish courses, I can see what you have taken. Unless you need them for your file.